Lorelei: A Quick Review

I have a real fondness for restaurants in buildings that weren't originally designed to be restaurants. 

Lorelei does a lot with its decor to hide that it's half a block of renovated storefronts, but the door-to-window ratio (one door for every two windows), does ultimately give it away. The fact that you can accidently wander into the kitchen from the sidewalk, thinking it's the main entrance, is also a good indication. 

cacio e pepe pizza and a normal-sized glass of beer

I didn't intend to make a review of this wine shop/ bar/ woodfire pizza place, so I don't have many pictures, but here are some notable attributes in list form. 

  • You can get a big stein of beer and, typically, a good variety of beers. Unfortunately, the night I was there the refrigerator/ keg system was broken and only two beers were available.  
  • It was a Wednesday night and they had a DJ. To be fair, this wasn't a remixing, spinning records kind of DJ. He seemed to mostly just be making sure that the songs flowed nicely together. Still, it was kind of funny. 
  • There were no hooks under the bar to hang a purse or coat- booooo. 
  • There is stained glass at the very top of the windows, it was very pretty. 
  • I had a good white wine while I was there but it wasn't the Chardonnay that I ordered (which I know because the server told me it wasn't the wine I had ordered but didn't tell me what I was given instead) 
  • If you want to go to the bathroom you have to walk down a long hallway that isn't actually wide enough for two people and go past many doors that aren't labeled and also aren't the bathroom. This is positive to me. I think there is something kind of delightful about having to take a tiny adventure to find the bathroom. 
For the lavatory invested among us, I think this particular W.C. (water closet) is a solid 3.5/5. It had very typical hardware and a familiar setup for a bathroom but gets points for being very clean. It also offered customers a scented burning candle, and a helpful guide for choruses of popular songs to sing while washing your hands. My personal favorite detail was the tile on the floor, which every so often had a copper-colored circle that required me to resist the urge to try and pick it up. 

The dot is very bright and shiny in person! 

Complimentary flossers!

I hummed Mr. Brightside 

Lorelai, should you go? Yes for wine or a beer, no for pizza. 


  1. i once went to a barbecue restaurant in oklahoma city that was in an old gas station. i ordered a lemonade and received a massive glass of a sweet, red liquid - corn

    1. That sounds uhhhhh… a bit terrifying- cat

  2. my primary thought upon reading this post and comment — how i love you both!!! - e

  3. Wow I love a strange restaurant experience, and this certainly sounds like that. And with a bonus bathroom review! Flossers? Candle? Songs? I'm there. Thanks for sharing.


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